票据支持 | 13%增值税 |
保修期 | 二年 |
配送支持 | 全国多地提供免费安装。 |
电压 | 36V |
额定容量 | 600AH |
类型 | 牵引型蓄电池 |
适用范围 | 科朗叉车 |
外形尺寸 | 986 x 522 x 590 |
品牌 | 贝朗斯 |
型号 | 36V8HPzB600 |
化学类型 | 铅酸蓄电池 |
荷电状态 | 带液充电态蓄电池 |
电池盖和排气拴结构 | 开口式蓄电池 |
科朗叉车蓄电池品牌大全概括市面科朗电瓶叉车适用叉车电瓶牌子,可用贝朗斯牌叉车电池作为永恒力叉车牵引力来源,广州贝朗斯库存充足,配送及时,全系列型号表可配套,永恒力叉车电瓶多少钱呢?一般这个价格依靠车型、容量决定,符合DIN、BS、GB标准,品牌不同价格不一样, 叉车电池意指用于叉车上的蓄电 池组,这种电池必须依靠充电才能循环使用,虽然充电过程中自然产生的氢气混合了**的味道,但注意时刻通气,不能抽烟,有明火;不可过充电。
A summary of the brand of Krone forklift battery brands in the market. Krone battery forklifts are suitable for forklift battery brands, and Brauns forklift batteries can be used as the source of traction for Jungheinrich forklifts. Guangzhou Brauns has sufficient inventory and timely delivery. The full range of models can be matched. Jungheinrich How much is the forklift battery? Generally, the price depends on the model and capacity. It conforms to DIN, BS, and GB standards. The price is different for different brands. Forklift battery refers to the battery pack used on forklifts. This battery must be recharged to be recycled, although the charging process is natural The generated hydrogen is mixed with the smell of sulfuric acid, but pay attention to always ventilate, no smoking, open flame; do not overcharge.