票据支持 | 13%增值税 |
保修期 | 二年 |
配送支持 | 全国多地提供安装 |
电压 | 80V |
额定容量 | 800Ah |
类型 | 牵引型蓄电池 |
适用范围 | 开普电动叉车 |
外形尺寸 | 1312*734*804mm |
品牌 | 贝朗斯 |
型号 | 40-8DB800 |
化学类型 | 铅酸蓄电池 |
质量认证 | CE |
荷电状态 | 带液充电态蓄电池 |
电池盖和排气拴结构 | 开口式蓄电池 |
Hangzhou 3-ton forklift battery is equipped with beilance 48v3pzs420 battery pack, which has strong deep cycle power and long design life. It has a capacity of 10% and the capacity of 48v420ah can work for more than 5 hours. It can be used in 3-4 days for heavy and light goods. Hangzhou forklift cpd30 is a 3-ton large-scale electric forklift. The battery pack is the main part of forklift accessories, and the operation instructions must be strictly followed.