品牌 | 巴固 |
型号 | C900 |
PANO全面罩 |
| ? 适用于亚洲人脸型,配戴舒适 ? Especially designed for Asian people |
供气阀 |
| ? **的快速插接式设计,使用简便,供气迅速 ? Unique quick-connecting demand valve, supplies the air automatically when connected to the mask |
减压器 |
| ? 结构简单可靠,压力补给型,保持中压循环系统中的持续压力(7巴)及流量(>450升/分钟) ? Simple structure, keeps the Medium Pressure system at 7 bars |
Luxfer专业碳纤维瓶 |
| ? 2L可使用约15分钟 ? 2L for about 15 minitues duration; 4.7L for 30 minitues; 6.8L for 45 minitues; 9L for 60 minitues 中文网址://www.bnccomp.com //www.bnccomp.cn |